Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 10 or is it Week 15? # 23 The end.

Now that I am at the end here are some comments;
1. Favorite discoveries- Library Elf- even though I only have one library account and receive emails from HCPL, I like the reminders and the calendar from Library Elf.
2. How has it affected my lifelong learning goals?- It has pushed me a little further into exploring the social Internet.
3. Surprises? I was surprised how hard it all is and how long it takes to do something when there are no instructions. What I thought would be an hour a week turned into several hours for a number of days each week. I usually gave myself a 2 hour window and after that I stopped.
4. Ideas to use technologies in libraries? It needs to be more user friendly and more people turned on at home. The last thing I want to do when I come home is log on to the Internet but I guess I am in the minority. It still feels like a clique or club and not something available to all the public.
5. What else to learn? I would like to explore blog making and figure out how to add all the neat things I see others adding.

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