Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Searching #75: Google and Beyond

1. Type 3 searches into Blind search, which one did I choose as best.
On two of my searches there pretty much was a tie because the top two listings were the same for each. But the third search gave the correct answer from Bing.
How did my favorite rate on each search?
My favorite has always been Google and it was second choice on two of the searches but on the third search it didn't come close.
Will that affect my future searching?
After these results I plan on switching to Bing for first search.
2.What search engine was number 1 on Hitwize the week of my searches? Google was number one.
How did it compare to the competitors?
Google had 71% of searches while Yahoo had 14% and Bing 9%
Did usage stats match with my favorite? No- Bing usage was minor compared to Google.

3. Marketing of search engines- explore features offered by the top three, Google, Yahoo and Bing. What new things did I discover that were useful.
I choose Bing and discovered they offer a cash back incentive using their searches with certain stores. They have a separate Travel search that streamlines all info together- airline costs, hotel etc to your destination.