Tuesday, March 3, 2009


1. How do you find a read-alike? Pick a title by one of your favorite authors. Search Novelist Plus to find a read-alike. Now perform the same search using two of the other sites listed above. Were the results the same? Compare the two searches and the results in your blog post.
To find a "read-alike" go to the database Novelist and type in an author's name. After choosing the correct author, they usually list many with the same or similiar names, click on it's name. The author profile will appear with a tab at the top "read- alike". Click on the tab and a number of similar titles will be listed . I typed in Elizabeth George into each and also Dick Francis. The Morton Grove Public's FictionL List had lots of lists but I had to scan through all to see if my authors were there. I never saw them listed. What I should read next seemed fast and easy. None of the authors or titles matched any I had pulled from Novelist. For Dick Francis one author appeared in both. The Library Booklists and Bibliographies lead me to Mayo County library's read- alike section. They had Francis but not George.

2. Using one of the resources listed above find two books suitable for a fourth grade girl interested in animals and another two books for her thirteen year old brother who is interested in ghost stories. Post which resource you used and the books you located.
Using Novelist basic search screen I typed in "animals" and checked the box to limit results to "older kids". Then I sorted the list by popularity. The top two were E. B. White's Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little. Both fell in the fourth grade reading level using the Lexile score. Also Black Beauty by Anna Sewell fell in the top of a fourth graders reading lexile range. All three titles are found in HCPL.
For the 13 yr old brother I found several titles. Using the advanced search I typed in the subject "ghosts" and limited it to "teens" and "male". I also clicked "Novelist Best" hoping to narrow it to popular titles. One was "Ghost Canoe" by Will Hobbs about a 14 year old boy in the Pacific northwest. Another "Kit's Wilderness" by David Almond about a 13 yr old boy living with his grandfather in a coal mining town in England that is haunted with ghosts from the past. I also found a nonfiction title "Ghost Liners, exploring the worlds greatest lost ships" by Robert Ballard.
3. A customer tells you that he's read every book written by Dean Koontz and asks you to find an author who writes similar books. Using two of the sites listed above, find three new authors to recommend to your customer. Post the sites you used and the results in your blog.
Novelist Plus suggested Greg Bear, Dan Simmons and Robert McCammon.
Wake County Public Library through a link from Library Book List suggested:
Greg Bear, Douglas Clegg and Mathew Delang.
Novelist was easy to use, the Library Book List had a search box but did not lead you to the page, so you had to read through every author to find the link. Once found it lead you direct to another link or the Wake County Public Library, North Carolina website.
4. A customer has read Alanna: the First Adventure by Tamora Pierce. She would like to read the other books in the series in order. Using one of the above resources, post the series title, the order of the books in the series, and the resource you used.

Song of the Lioness quartet
Book 1 Alanna: The first adventure
Book 2 In the hand of the goddess
Book 3 The woman who rides like a man
Book 4 Lioness rampant

I found this in "What's Next?, Books in a Series. http://ww2.kdl.org/libcat/WhatsNextNEW.asp

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